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So far drim has created 14 blog entries.

Child protection reform in Greece gets new impetus thanks to Eurochild and Martin James Foundation support

Despite Greece enacting a breakthrough law on foster care in 2018, most children in out of home care remain in institutions. Mary Theodoropoulou, Director of Roots Research Centre, spoke at a conference with minors prosecutor and High Court judges at Halkida city Hall in February 2019. Following its flagship campaign to reform child protection and develop family and community based care for children in alternative care under the Opening Doors [...]

Child protection reform in Greece gets new impetus thanks to Eurochild and Martin James Foundation support2024-06-28T13:33:17+03:00

Activate children’s foster care system

Protect children’s rights living in institutional care in Greece from the coronavirus effects. Activate children’s foster care system. Due to the coronavirus pandemic it is of urgent concern to transfer institutionalized children into foster care. We ask to activate children’s foster care system so that children living in institutional settings can be immediately placed into evaluated foster families. We ask that the necessary measurements are set and urgent procedures started [...]

Activate children’s foster care system2024-07-23T11:50:11+03:00

Protecting children now and in the future – Eurochild public statement on COVID-19

Children infected by COVID-19 are likely to only have mild symptoms. Nonetheless this crisis is having, and will continue to have, an enormous impact on their lives. The challenges of staying home are compounded for children living in poor housing, and for those for whom school lunches were the only hot meal a day. Many families will struggle to provide a home learning environment. We are also particularly concerned for [...]

Protecting children now and in the future – Eurochild public statement on COVID-192020-03-27T12:36:10+03:00

We need an EU Commissioner for Children to protect the European dream ǀ View

Children are our most prized asset, yet around the world they still face poverty, trafficking, exploitation, bullying and discrimination even though the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the most widely ratified of any of the human rights treaties. Passed by the UN General Assembly 30 years ago at a time of political unrest, this convention was geared to protect children and allow them to have a [...]

We need an EU Commissioner for Children to protect the European dream ǀ View2019-07-28T17:12:25+03:00

Stand up for children in the European Parliament elections

We need a Europe that delivers for every child. So, we are asking future MEPs to become Child Rights Champions by signing up through our website or signing this pamphlet. If you sign-up via our website, we will verify your information. Child Rights Champions will be awarded a pin, which they can wear with pride. Our logo can also be placed on candidates’ campaign websites and voters can see which [...]

Stand up for children in the European Parliament elections2024-07-23T11:50:50+03:00

Greek system of child protection requires a prompt action

There are no relevant policies in place to transform the outdated child care and child protection system in Greece where private interests prevail over the best interests of children. This was one of the conclusions of the 2nd International Conference “Experiences from the adoption triad and how to support children in need with alternative solutions”. The event took place on 25-26 May 2017 in Marathon, Attica, Greece. The conference was [...]

Greek system of child protection requires a prompt action2019-03-12T16:42:03+03:00

Ευαισθητοποίηση κοινού για τον Θεσμό της Αναδοχής

Κάποιο παιδί περιμένει του ανοίξετε την πόρτα σας. Ομάδα ειδικών ενημερώνει το κοινό, σε μικρές ομάδες, για τον θεσμό της Αναδοχής. Το πρόγραμμα είναι ήδη ανοικτό και καθημερινά προστίθεται ημέρα και ώρα εκδήλωσης σε Δήμους. Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας για να ενημερωθείτε για το πλησιέστερο σημείο εκδήλωσης και δηλώστε συμμετοχή. Επίσης μπορείτε να μας καλέσετε στην δική σας οργάνωση ή εκδήλωση και θα ενημερώσουμε για τον θεσμό. Αναδοχή είναι η φιλοξενία [...]

Ευαισθητοποίηση κοινού για τον Θεσμό της Αναδοχής2019-02-18T17:08:44+03:00
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