
Discover PACE

Enhance your skills in supporting and treating children with developmental trauma and their families through the PACE Educational Program in Dyadic Developmental Practice & Psychotherapy (DDP). Open to professionals, caregivers, and parents, this program provides a comprehensive approach to understanding and applying PACE principles in various settings. Training in PACE Communication within Dyadic Developmental Practice & Psychotherapy (DDP) Dyadic Developmental Practice is a psychotherapeutic approach designed for professionals working with [...]

Discover PACE2024-12-29T23:58:02+03:00

“From the Roots to the Fruits: Empowering Mentors”

The project "From the Roots to the Fruits: Empowering Mentors" is one of the 34 actions selected among 147 applications for the program Points of Support program coordinated by the Bodossaki Foundation, to be funded by the Captain Vassilis & Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation. The project focuses on providing training and support to teachers in applying trauma-informed, as well as Restorative Justice practices in the school community in Attica, and will [...]

“From the Roots to the Fruits: Empowering Mentors”2024-07-30T17:04:50+03:00

Roots R.C. is a full organisational member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice. Believing in the power of a restorative and transformative approach in the child-protection system, we are the first Greek organisation to ever get approval as a EFRJ member. It is with honour that we announce that Roots R.C. will be co-organising EFRJ's International Seminar in May 2025 in Athens, Greece.


Training on specialized therapeutic approach for professionals working in alternative care: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Level1 with Dr. Courtney Rennickeo

  DDP NETWORK Announcement

Training on specialized therapeutic approach for professionals working in alternative care: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Level1 with Dr. Courtney Rennickeo2024-07-23T11:48:30+03:00

Activate children’s foster care system

Protect children’s rights living in institutional care in Greece from the coronavirus effects. Activate children’s foster care system. Due to the coronavirus pandemic it is of urgent concern to transfer institutionalized children into foster care. We ask to activate children’s foster care system so that children living in institutional settings can be immediately placed into evaluated foster families. We ask that the necessary measurements are set and urgent procedures started [...]

Activate children’s foster care system2024-07-23T11:50:11+03:00

We need an EU Commissioner for Children to protect the European dream ǀ View

Children are our most prized asset, yet around the world they still face poverty, trafficking, exploitation, bullying and discrimination even though the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the most widely ratified of any of the human rights treaties. Passed by the UN General Assembly 30 years ago at a time of political unrest, this convention was geared to protect children and allow them to have a [...]

We need an EU Commissioner for Children to protect the European dream ǀ View2019-07-28T17:12:25+03:00

Stand up for children in the European Parliament elections

We need a Europe that delivers for every child. So, we are asking future MEPs to become Child Rights Champions by signing up through our website or signing this pamphlet. If you sign-up via our website, we will verify your information. Child Rights Champions will be awarded a pin, which they can wear with pride. Our logo can also be placed on candidates’ campaign websites and voters can see which [...]

Stand up for children in the European Parliament elections2024-07-23T11:50:50+03:00
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