Discover PACE
Enhance your skills in supporting and treating children with developmental trauma and their families through the PACE Educational Program in [...]
“From the Roots to the Fruits: Empowering Mentors”
The project "From the Roots to the Fruits: Empowering Mentors" is one of the 34 actions selected among 147 applications [...]
European Child Guarantee
The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) has adopted the Commission proposal on establishing a European Child [...]
Unicef: Definitions overview
Children in alternative care In line with child protection priorities of the region, the main data needs on children in [...]
EU Strategy on the Rights of the child-March 2021
Every child in Europe, and everywhere else, should enjoy the same rights and live free from discrimination and intimidation. With [...]
Growing up in lockdown: Europe’s children in the age of COVID-19
In February 2020 the COVID-19 virus started to spread in Europe. Since then our economies, societies, and daily lives have [...]
Child protection reform in Greece gets new impetus thanks to Eurochild and Martin James Foundation support
Despite Greece enacting a breakthrough law on foster care in 2018, most children in out of home care remain in [...]
Activate children’s foster care system
Protect children’s rights living in institutional care in Greece from the coronavirus effects. Activate children’s foster care system. Due to [...]